Greensboro Chapter (Forming)
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Who We Are
The Greensboro chapter is not currently active, but we hope others interested in hearing loss in the Greensboro, Winston Salem, or Burlington area will get involved as volunteers interested in improving their lives and the lives of everyone with hearing loss. Our program meetings are now both in-person and virtual, via Zoom, so anyone is welcome to become a member. We hope to establish a board to start planning more meetings or events of interest to people with hearing loss. See the Contacts, below.

Meetings (in-person or virtually via Zoom) are led by people with a lot of experience with hearing loss topics. Attend events like luncheons, or trips to museums, and meet friends who understand.

Confused about assistive listening options? Need to learn how to hear your best in different situations like movies, church, noisy restaurants using technology and strategies and features of your aids you can use? HLAA CAN HELP!
What We Do
The mission of HLAA is to open the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing information, education, support, and advocacy. Our chapter newsletters provide useful information about hearing loss. Our meetings and events are opportunities to meet others and learn about “being good at hearing loss”. Local chapter supports the community, including health fairs, state agencies, and non-profits related to hearing loss. We also fund a scholarship program to help students with hearing loss with college or other post-secondary education. We help organize and participate in the NC Walk4Hearing, our only fund raiser that brings hundreds of families, friends, and pets together to advocate for hearing loss in Cary each October.
Program Meetings/Events
The Greensboro chapter is currently not meeting, and hopes to find other volunteers to continue to expand and become a regular local HLAA chapter.
To envision what an HLAA local chapter can to to help you, others with hearing loss and the community, see the links at the bottom and top of this page to the other chapters in North Carolina. Until a Greensoro chapter is active, you're welcome to join remotely either the Charlotte or Wake Chapters which do support remote meeting via Zoom. If you request to be added to their emails list, you'll be sent the Zoom link so you can attend their program meetings remotely. You and your family and friends are also invited to participate the annual NC HLAA Walk4Hearing, held in Cary in October.
For Information about the proposed Greensboro Chapter, please email steve.barber@earthlink.net
To suggest corrections for these web pages, please email them to: steve.barber@earthlink.net