
A desiccant (often misspelled "dessicant") is a chemical substance that absorbs and holds water. You often see desiccant packets in boxes that electronics equipment (or other products that can be damaged by moisture) are shipped in.

There are several products on the market that are specifically designed to help people keep their hearing aids dry by using a desiccant. This can prevent moisture damage and can save you a lot of money by avoiding repairs or even making it seem like your hearing aid isn't working.

Some products are simply covered cups with a desiccant in them. These are inexpensive and you can reuse the desiccant by just "drying it out" in the oven ...(the desiccant; NOT the hearing aid!).

One product, the Dry and Store, offers not only a desiccant, but warm circulating air to enhnace the drying, and ultraviolet light to kill germs that can cause ear infections or itchy ears.

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